Pepper Your Talk: Where aspiration meets accomplishment - The fashion mentorship programme worth subscribing to
Invaluable Insights: Founder of Pepper Your Talk & The Junior Network.
Dior is a true expert in all things fashion. Her knowledge spans from tailored careers advice, strategic networking, social media management, self-confidence and supporting the next generation. She is a pioneer in bringing unrivalled advice, exclusive tips, tricks and insights to junior level creatives. Her mission is simple: to champion a new tribe of confident fashion front runners. Want a job in fashion but unsure of where to start? Do you suffer from imposter syndrome in your new role? Do you want to connect with senior level industry professionals for personalised guidance? Look no further than Dior’s innovative platforms. Alternatively, if you want to network with like-minded individuals, sign up to her specifically curated events and follow her satisfyingly, aesthetically pleasing Instagram for short, smart and snappy daily tips to keep you on track and in alignment with your goals. In a world more uncertain than ever before, I can guarantee certainty that utilising Dior’s platforms can facilitate your career aspirations to become a reality. She is highly ambitious, creative and talented and has offered a rare opportunity for you to further develop such qualities in yourself. On top of this, Dior is genuine, modest and authentically passionate about providing content that empowers young creatives to develop themselves to become the best version of who they are. Want to hear more about how she achieved all of this? Keep reading.
By Hannah Tappin
What I particularly love about Dior is her unique desire to give back and help others. She consistently advocates embracing your uniqueness, exploring where you add value and honing your specific skillset in a way which is most beneficial to you. She has a very uplifting energy, positive mindset and ambitious spirit. In this interview she shares some exciting upcoming events hosted by Pepper Your Talk and The Junior Network, who inspires her and how to make the most of your day.
Hannah: Tell us a bit about you, What was your journey to founding Pepper Your Talk and The Junior Network?
‘I wanted to help the next generation navigate that crossroads of education to employment. Help others discover what to do when working in a fashion office, how to handle things, how to grow and learn and climb the ladder’
Dior: I always knew that I wanted to work in Fashion but I didn’t exactly what role this would be. I tried a few things in terms of fashion related courses. I studied fashion design at college, I did textiles in school and finally fashion promotion at University. Before this, I took a break and did an art and design foundation because I really wanted to figure my avenue. My university course was a bit of everything, covering styling, marketing, photography, PR. I then decided PR was for me. I went to work at Burberry in the PR and marketing department doing Press samples. This gave me a rounded view of what a career in PR is like day-to-day. From this experience, I actually realised it wasn’t the career for me. I left to start my own company.
The idea for Pepper Your Talk came whilst I was at Burberry and when I realised there was so much that I didn’t know about the working world of fashion. I wanted to help the next generation navigate the crossroads of education to employment. I wanted to help others discover what to do when working in a fashion office, how to handle things, how to grow and learn and climb the ladder. So, that is how Pepper Your Talk came about.
Hannah: It’s a fantastic idea and just what so many graduates desperately need. How has the pandemic changed the advice the you give to young creative professionals?
‘What I have noticed is that a lot of people want to work for themselves and a lot of the girls in the Junior Network ( which is my members club for girls who already have a job in fashion) have side hustles or have left to start their own venture or want to transition from brand full-time work to doing their own thing’
Dior: I think what’s interesting about fashion is that it is a very agile market, in that people still aspire to work in it. It’s been impacted and how the industry works has changed. But the demand to break into it has stayed the same despite the challenges it faces. What I have noticed is that a lot of people want to work for themselves and a lot of the girls in the Junior Network (which is my members club for girls who already have a job in fashion) have side hustles or have left to start their own venture or want to transition from working full-time to doing their own thing. It has shown people life is short. Do what you want. It gave people the time to be creative due to less commuting and traditional work days.
Hannah: What are the three top skills you wish to instil into your community?
Dior: The skills I want people to have are:
1) Commercial Awareness - Understand the industry. Understand where your company or specific role sits within the eco-system of the industry . How are you helping the company make money? Once you have that knowledge you are a lot more focused in your work and in your impact. Your work becomes more streamlined. The wider commercial awareness is knowing the market place, understanding the industry. If you are in luxury, know the five key principles. If it’s sustainable, what are the trends/competitors?
The next two are self-focused.
2) Confidence. It’s really important that no matter what level, company or stage in your career, you’re confident in your personal values and contributions. You should understand your triggers, what energises you, what excites you, so you can maintain that confidence. All because the industry can be tough.
3) What makes YOU special - Everyone has something. It could be that you are empathetic. For me, I love connecting and speaking to people. Everyone has a secret sauce. It is key to know what yours is, as this specific thing unique to you will move the needle in your career. It can be a soft skill, it dosen’t have to be technical, i.e your highly understanding and this helps in negotiations.
Hannah: Brilliant thank you so much! So, I am very inspired by you and look up to you in the fact you have built a strong community to help others. Who or what inspires you?
‘People always say key your vision, but change the route in you need to.This inspires me because it shows me that my journey will change, but I should be open to change as this will be in line with the bigger vision’
Dior: I feel like this has changed a lot over the years. Obviously, a key inspiration for me is Oprah Winfrey. I love how at every major turning point of her life, she has remained true to herself but pivoted. Early on, people always say keep your vision, but change the route if you need to. At the time, I didn’t understand that but I get it with her. She has used different mediums, from radio to her talk show, to her magazine and now her podcast. It has always been about enlightenment and sharing in different ways. This inspires me because it shows me that my journey will change, but I should be open to change as this will be in line with the bigger vision.
Secondly, Sharmadean Reid, founder of WAH Nails and Beautystack. She is someone who in terms of proximity I had a lot of access to when going to her events. It is inspiring to see a black women who is very smart with unique interests. She loved tech from day one, which spurred me to look further into that. She also has a great business head. I think I am more ideas driven and less commercial so watching her was great for me. She gave me advice early on and she was spot on.
Lastly, I would say Beyoncé. Due to her mastery of her craft. I think it’s fascinating, there are few people who are masters of their craft. I am in awe of that dedication and commitment to being the best.
Hannah: So, I love your Instagram. I find it very empowering, uplifting and mood-boosting. You talk about manifestation, self-care and positive thinking. What is your key advice for looking after yourself and your mental health?
‘Write a gratitude list, which is scientifically proven to keep you happy, forward thinking and focused and prevents depression. It is a key step in staying present and grateful for what you do have. I like scripting, which is a technique where you write about your life as if your desires have already happened. It is the most feel good activity ever. It makes you write about the finer details of your dreams’
Dior: That’s a good question. There are several which you need on rotation. I have a journal, which I write in. Write a gratitude list, which is scientifically proven to keep you happy, forward thinking and focused and prevents depression. It is a key step in staying present and grateful for what you do have. I also like scripting, which is a technique where you write about your life as if your desires have already happened. It is the most feel good activity ever. It makes you write about the finer details of your dreams. It makes your dreams more aligned with you as a person i.e why you want certain things, what you will do to treat yourself and others to make you happy with your fashion job wages. I am also a Christian, so I pray. Yesterday I was reading a bible passage and it was saying how powerful prayer is, it is a duty and a privilege. Don’t neglect your one on one time with God. I listen to inspirational people and remind myself their journey is full of hidden moments and failures . It makes me feel like my actions today will contribute to the bigger picture. You cannot get big without being small first. Affirmations are great, which I do Monday-Friday on Pepper Your Talk stories. I think I keep my dreams close. I have two notepads where I wrote my big goals, and what habits will get me there and another notepad for three key priorities each month.
Hannah: All such great tips. Is there a typical day for you in your work and if so what does it look like?
Dior: I think routine is good for flow. From 9-12, I work on key tasks to get done early in the day. I then have lunch, from 1pm I do emails, social media posts and from 3-6 I then schedule meetings in. In the evenings, I then write up my to-do lists. I try to finish by 6 or 7, I work on brand pitches, video scripts, event ideas, panelists, networking and so on. I think about what will inspire people next.
Our next event is coming up is specifically for Graduates. It’s the 25-26th of May. The two day event is called Pepp-Rally. It’s a master key morning with affirmations, then a CV session, then three panel discussions:
1) Is fashion for me?
2) How to utilise the summer months.
3) How to get noticed and stand out.
Then I will have a stay and vibe session. There will be thirty minutes to read over notes, then write action plans . All of this, will help put this inspiration to action.
Hannah: That sounds brilliant! I would love to come. As a new graduate, what is your advice when experiencing rejections in your job hunt?
Dior: Just remember there are ups and down. Expect things not to always go your way. This isn’t negative, it’s being pragmatic and hopeful. It won’t be easy but with every application and interview you are learning. The summer and year after University is hard, so always be working on something that keeps you busy and creative. To prevent you from being sad and keep you inspired.
Hannah: You are very positive person. I would like to know what positive changes you would like to see in the industry?
‘Be yourself, and you will do better. I want to see more humanity in fashion’
Dior: I want to see people be encouraged to bring more of themselves to work. Who we are informs what we do. Character should be prioritised over skills. You as a person will give you success. This is where you shine, radiate and get promoted. The pandemic has made us more personal than ever, we have been kinder, more compassionate and understanding. Be yourself, and you will do better. I want to see more humanity in fashion.
Hannah: I love that! Thinking so much Dior! To get regular updates follow Pepper Your Talk and The Junior Network. To sign up to events click here to the website.