ITV This Morning’s Fashion Researcher, Lila Flint Roberts, shares her advice on breaking into fashion

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Have you ever dreamed of landing a styling stint within ITV’s This Morning fashion team?

Within this short Q & A, Lila shares how she paved her way into the fashion industry after graduation. For many brits, This Morning is their favourite daytime show and the fashion segment makes for a lunch-break essential watch. It includes modelled looks ranging from new season trends, sustainability edits and the perfect pieces to wear for specific occasions. The segment seamlessly translates trends from high-fashion runway shows into everyday accessible pieces for the everyday consumer to shop. Lila works for the show and team as a fashion researcher, a role especially created for her, illustrating her impact since starting her role. Lila talks tips for landing competitive fashion interns, how to stand out during work experience and what the future holds for her.

By Hannah Tappin

Hannah: Currently you are a Fashion Researcher for ITV’s This Morning, could you briefly talk through your journey into fashion and how you landed the role you have now?

Lila: After graduating with a 1st Class BSc Criminology from Cardiff University, I worked in a shop for a couple of months to save up for travelling and interning. Before I left for South America, I had an internship at ELLE Magazine (UK). During my 6 months away, I kept in touch with the ELLE team, and interviewed for a role that Summer when I returned. I didn’t get that job, but a more suitable role became available and I got that! I was at ELLE for a year, I then went onto the Sunday Times Style for a year (they were both contracted roles) and now I’m at This Morning.

Hannah: Amazing! I think it’s great to recognise that when starting in industry, particularly from a less-conventional degree discipline, that persistence and interns are vital for a longstanding fashion career. What has been your biggest career highlight versus your biggest challenge?

Lila: I think my biggest career highlight would have to be the first time I saw my name written in Elle UK on a page I edited. The biggest challenge I’ve received is a mental challenge – I've had to overcome imposter syndrome in each new role I’ve had.

Hannah: Yes, what an achievement! Mmm yes, imposter syndrome seems to be an issue faced by many so it’s reassuring to hear you voice that. To those struggling to navigate the challenges faced by creative industries at present, or those looking for interns, what broad or specific application advice would you give?

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‘Keep in touch with everyone you meet and remember the importance of networking’

Lila: Keep in touch with everyone you meet and remember the importance of networking.

Hannah: What would you say are the three most critical skills you must have to be a successful intern?

Lila: 1) Will power; stay late

2) Communication; ask when you don’t understand, ask what you can do when you’re at a loose end

3) Motivation; don’t take no for an answer (to a certain extent)

Hannah: Some great pointers! As well as being a fashion researcher, you are also a published, award winning writer, with articles featured in the following titles: The Independent, Vogue Mexico and Sunday Times. For those new to freelance fashion writing and looking to get published, what advice would you give?

‘Remember your niche, and don’t try to fit a certain narrative. Keep to your strengths as this will create the most interesting content’

Lila: Remember your niche, and don’t try to fit a certain narrative. Keep to your strengths as this will create the most interesting content.

Hannah: I think many young women, especially those within fashion, struggle with issues you have described and spoken about in some of your articles; anxiety, depression, body image and self-esteem. Why do you think it’s important to openly speak and discuss these issues within the industry?

‘I am a huge mental health advocate, and truly believe there is nothing more powerful than conversation’

Lila: Speaking to people is the most powerful thing. It shows others that you’re not alone. Sharing your problems makes you feel lighter. I am a huge mental health advocate, and truly believe there is nothing more powerful than conversation.

Hannah: I am always curious and looking for new creative inspiration. What are your personal sources of inspiration? What sources are your go-to’s? Which people inspire you?

Lila: Instagram and the great outdoors. I love Instagram for outfit ideas and new brand introductions. On the flip side, when I’m running low on creativity I just go outside! It clears my head and really refuels me.

Hannah:  What does the future hold for you? What are your biggest dreams and hopes, both personally and for the fashion industry?

Lila: In the next 5 years I would love to make my way to the top of the Fashion Team at ITV, if the opportunity arose. Longer term, I would love a roster of Celebrity clients who I style in second hand/vintage/sustainable fashion.

Hannah: Amazing! I have no doubt you are on track to those achievements. If you could give your younger self advice having just graduated from Cardiff University, what would you say?

Lila: I struggled big time at Uni, so my advice would simply be: It can only get better!

Hannah: Simple but so true! Thanks so much for chatting. To get more fashion advice, tips & tricks follow Lila on Instagram by clicking here.

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